Saturday, April 13, 2019

Lead Conversion with ticked Create Opportunity > error Items you have requested in the record have been deleted since you retrieved the form

The user can use the LeadConversion feature and click the Convert button on the Lead record. Convertinga Lead in this way gives the user additional options on which records arecreated or updated.

Using the Convert button on the Lead record can be followed by error message: Items you have requested in the record have been deleted since you retrieved the form.

It is possible to resolve this by performing steps below:

The statuses of Lead and Prospect records need to be set properly. Make sure that Prospect Statuses(e.g. Prospect Status - New, Prospect Status - Opportunity, Prospect Status -Estimate) on the Sales Preferences are set correctly. The explanation is thatthe Lead statuses cannot be used for customers in Prospect stage.


1) Navigate to Setup > Sales > Sales Preferences.

2) Set the Prospect Status-New to any status for Prospect Stage (e.g. In Discussion Prospect status).
Note: The list of Statuses is availablein Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses.

3) Save the setting.

Example: ProspectStatus-New = Qualified (is incorrect) and needs to be change to correct one.

After the statuses are setproperly the user is able to proceed with the conversion of Lead into Prospect.

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