Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Use the Shipping Item List as a Select Option in a Suitelet

A. Create a custom record type
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New
2. Set the name - Shipping List
3. Set the ID - _rec_ship_list
4. Access type = no Permission Required
5. Save

B. Add a custom field that will source the Shipping Item List
1. Edit the Record created from Part A.
2. Click on new field
3. Set the name - shipping item list
4. Set the ID - _shipping_list 
5. Type = List/Record
6. List/Record = Shipping Method
7. Save

C. Create a new Record (Shipping List)
1. Open the custom record (Shipping List)
2. Click on View Records
3. Click on new
4. Set a Name to the record and Save
5. Take note of the Internal Id for this new record.

This Custom record will be used to access the shipping items.

Suitelet Script that will show a field with the shipping items as the select options.



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