Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sample C#.NET code for Creating a Transfer Order through Web Services

Below is sample code for creating a Transfer Order using the Add Operation via Web Services. Please note a valid login session is required. The sample will set the transfer order to pending approval.

Status stat = nss.login(p).status;
if (stat.isSuccess)
 // Location ID 1 = California
 RecordRef rfa = new RecordRef();
 rfa.internalId = "1";

 // Location ID 2 = New York
 RecordRef rfb = new RecordRef();
 rfb.internalId = "2";
 // Employee ID = 3 John Doe
 RecordRef emp = new RecordRef();
 emp.internalId = "3";
 // Item ID = 6
 RecordRef item = new RecordRef();
 item.internalId = "6";
 // Creating an array of Transfer Order Items
 TransferOrderItem[] toi = new TransferOrderItem[1];
 //Populating the TransferOrderItem object with the fields in the sublist
 TransferOrderItem toi1 = new TransferOrderItem();
 toi1.item = item;
 toi1.quantity = 20;
 toi1.quantitySpecified = true;
 toi1.amountSpecified = true;
 toi1.amount = 54.99;
 toi1.commitInventory = TransferOrderItemCommitInventory._availableQty;
 toi1.commitInventorySpecified = true;
 // Assigning the Transfer Order Object to the array.
 toi[0] = toi1;
 // Assigning the array of Transfer Order Items to the Transfer Order Item List.
 TransferOrderItemList toil = new TransferOrderItemList();
 toil.item = toi;
 // Creating the Transfer Order object and appending fields to the object.
 TransferOrder to = new TransferOrder();
 to.tranDate = System.DateTime.Now;
 to.location = rfa;
 to.transferLocation = rfb;
 // Assigning the employee and the status to the Transfer Order object
 to.employee = emp;
 to.status = TransferOrderOrderStatus._pendingApproval.ToString();
 to.itemList = toil;
 // Adding the Transfer order into NetSuite.
 WriteResponse res = nss.add(to);
 if (res.status.isSuccess)
  Console.Write("Transfer Order Created");
  Console.Write("Transfer Order Not Created");

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