Files such as image, text or media can be attached to record such as Sales Order.
For users who would like to count the number of attached files through script, this is not directly possible.
The file is under a sublist of the record, and as per most scriptable records, running script directly to a sublist is not supported.
As an alternate solution, follow steps below to count files attached to a record:
1. Create a Saved Search with the following criteria:
- Type - Sales Order
- Internal ID - (Sales Order Internal ID)
- Main Line - is True
- File: Date Created - is not empty
* Note that the search itself cannot be scripted since 'file' is not a valid join field.
2. Use created Saved Search on script to get/count the results.
Sample script:
var attachedFiles = nlapiSearchRecord('salesorder','customsearch101');
var numAttached = attachedFiles.length;
Result >> numAttached = 2
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