Friday, January 11, 2019

Saved Search to show Last Invoice Number, Date and Amount of sales orders with billing schedules or multiple invoices

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New

2. Select Transaction

3. Set the following filters under the Criteria tab > Standard subtab:
 Type = is Sales Order
 Applying Link Type = is Order Bill/Invoice

4. If there is a need to add a criteria to filter last invoice date, set the following in the Criteria tab > Summary subtab:
     Summary Type = Maximum
     Field = Applying Transaction fields...> Date
     Description = is within (the desired last invoice date range)

5. Add the following fields as follows in the Results tab:
     Name | Summary Type = Group
     Number | Summary Type = Group (This is the Sales Order Number)
     Date | Summary Type = Group (This is the Sales Order Date)
     Amount | Summary Type = Sum (This is the Sales Order Amount)
     Applying Transaction: Date | Summary Type = Maximum (This is the Invoice Date)
     Formula (Text) | Summary Type = Maximum | Formula = max({applyingtransaction.number}) keep(dense_rank last order by {applyingtransaction.trandate})

     Formula (Currency) | Summary Type = Sum | Formula = sum({applyingtransaction.amount}) keep(dense_rank last order by {applyingtransaction.trandate})
 * The first formula (Formula Text) is the Invoice Number, and the second formula (Formula Currency) is the Invoice Amount

6. Preview or Save and Run.


  1. Really cool post, highly informative and professionally written and I am glad to be a visitor of this perfect blog, thank you for this rare info!
    CRM with Invoicing

  2. It didn't work for me. The column doesn't even show up in Details and is blank in Summary.
