Thursday, January 17, 2019

System Notes show the GL Impact change made by the System instead of the actual user


There are instances where in system notes on transaction records mainly in Item Fulfillments and Item Receipts show changes being set by the System instead of the actual user who made the change. This is due to our costing engine's behaviour. Below is a search that will help identify the actual user who made the change on the transaction.   



Create a System Notes saved search as follows:


1. Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New


2. Select "System Note"


3. Under the Criteria tab, set the following:


a. Filter = Formula (Text) --> pop-up dialog appears

  -- Formula = {record}

  -- Formula (Text) contains (enter the transaction number)

  -- click Set


b. Filter = Type:

  -- Type = Change

  -- click Set


c. Filter = Date:

  -- From = 12/12/2012

  -- To = 12/13/2012

  -- click Set


4. Preview or Save and Run


5. Sort the result by Date.



1 comment:

  1. here
    Formula (Text) contains (enter the transaction number)
    which Transaction number i need to add, or we can leave it blank?
