Saturday, February 2, 2019

Add Competitor Contacts

1. Log in as Admin.
2. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Other Record Fields > New
3. Set the following fields:

  • Name : Competitor Contact 
  • Type: List/Record 
  • List/Record: Contact
  • Store Value : Yes
4. Click Save
5. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Other Record Fields > New
6. Set the following fields:

7. Click Save

The new custom fields will have the function of adding Contacts.

The Competitor Contact fields lists existing contacts that can be added to the Competitor record. The Contact field is a link that can be clicked to create a new Contact record. When the new Contact record is created users can use the Competitor Contact field to add the Contact. If more Contacts are needed added then add more Competitor Contact fields.

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