Monday, February 4, 2019

Online Form tab is missing on a contact/customer record

During the 2012.2 release Online Form was already available on the contact record. To test this you can follow the steps below:

1. Under Setup > Company > General Preferences > check Show Individuals as Contact option
2. Create Online Customer Form
3. On the Setup > Workflow Tab > uncheck Create Customers as Companies
4. Save Online Customer Form
5. Access the Publishable URL of the form and fill up then submit
6. New customer is created with Type : Individual 

When you open the Contact record of the customer, the Online Form should contain the details of the saved Online Customer Form. If this is missing then you check on the following:

* Make sure that the Online Form list is checked under the List tab > Marketing Subtab  of the form being used to view the record.

* Viewing the Online Form detail requires your account to have the Advanced Web Reports. If under Setup > Company > Enabled Features > Web Presence tab> Advanced Web Reports should be enabled. Disabling this will remove the tab and future data under the Online Form.

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