Saturday, February 16, 2019

Remove the 'Print Picking Ticket' Menu in the Sales Order form for a Role

The Administrator wants to remove the Print Picking Ticket menu in the sales order form for a role.

The ability to print picking tickets comes along with the permission for Sales Order. Even if the user or role has only View access to Sales Order, then the user can print picking tickets by navigating to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms.

However, the Print Picking Ticket menu, when in the View mode of a Sales order form, is available if the permission for Fulfill Orders is also added to the role. In the event that the Administrator does not want to remove the FulFill Orders permission to the role, the sales order form can be customized to hide the Print Picking Ticket menu and set it as the preferred form for that role.

Here are the steps:

Create a copy of the preferred Sales Order form.

1.    Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

2.    Edit the preferred Sales Order form.

3.    Type a different Name.

4.    Click on Save As.


Customize the new Sales Order form.


1.    Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

2.    Edit the Sales Order form saved above.

3.    Navigate to Actions tab > Standard.

4.    Unmark the Show checkbox for Print Picking Ticket.

5.    In the Roles tab, mark the name of the role to set this as the preferred form.


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