Friday, March 1, 2019

Custom Checkbox is Blank on Saved Search

I. Create a Custom Checkbox
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Field > New
2. Create a new field with the following settings:

  • Type: Checkbox
  • Store Value : True
  • Applies To : Sales
  • Display : Subtab =  Main

3. Enter Label
4. Click Save

II. Create a Transaction Saved Search:
1. Navigate to List > Searches > Saved Searches > New.
5. Select Transaction.
6. Under the Results tab, Add the custom checkbox.
7. Click Save & Run.

Results: The checkbox column is not showing any value.

8. Edit a sales transaction, like a Sales Order. Don't make any changes.
9. Click Save.
10. Run the transaction saved search again.

Results: The checkbox for the edited transaction shows No.

Note: Since the custom checkbox was just recently created, any item edited / created after shows a value of Yes or No on a saved search. Previous transactions do not show any value unless the transaction is edited. The change is not retroactive.

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