Friday, March 1, 2019

Generate a List of Items with Quantity on Hand and with No Related Item Fulfillment Transaction

1.    Navigate to Reports> Saved Searches> All Saved Searches> New

2.    Select Item as search type

3.    Assign a name on the Search Title field

4.    On the Criteria tab> Standard sub tab> Filter column set the following:

a.     Type is any of Inventory Item

b.    On Hand is greater than 0

5.    On the Criteria tab> Summary sub tab, set the following:

a.     Summary Type=Sum

b.    Field=Formula (Numeric) equal to value 0 then copy-paste this formula:

Case When {transaction.type}='Item Fulfillment' Then 1 Else 0 End

6.    On the Results tab> Columns sub tab, add the following:

a.     Name and set Summary Type=Group

b.    On Hand and set Summary Type=Maximum

7.    Hit Save & Run

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