Sunday, April 7, 2019

Display the fields From Location, To Location, From Bin and To Bin fields of an Inventory Transfer in a Saved Search

Below are the steps to show the details of an Inventory Transfer page on a Transaction Saved Search:

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New

2. Choose Transaction

3. On the Criteria tab > Standard subtab > Add Filters
- Type = Inventory Transfer

4. On the Results tab > Columns subtab > Add Fields
- Date
- Number
- Item
- Location
- Quantity
- Transaction Bin Number
- Transaction Bin Quantity

*Lines with negative quantity will show the From Location, Qty to Transfer and From Bin.
*Lines with positive quantity will show the To location, Qty Transferred and To Bin

To show From Location, To Location, From Bin and To Bin on separate columns,
- On the Results tab > Columns subtab > Add additional Fields
-- Formula (Text) | Formula = case when nvl({quantity},0) < '0' then {location} else null end | Custom Label = From Location
-- Formula (Text) | Formula = case when nvl({quantity},0) = '1' then {location} else null end | Custom Label = To Location
-- Formula (Text) | Formula = case when nvl({quantity},0) < '0' then {binnumber} else null end | Custom Label = From Bin
-- Formula (Text) | Formula = case when nvl({quantity},0) = '1' then {binnumber} else null end | Custom Label = To Bin

*Please note that although this will be shown on separate columns, this will be on separate lines (not along same line)

Related cases may be attached to Enhancement 178607 - List > Search > Saved Searches > New > Transaction. Please include 'To Location' field that sources from Inventory Transfer.

1 comment:

  1. Can you help me understand how to tryp the formula out? Do I simply just copy the below? If i do, I get an error.

    nvl({quantity},0) = '1' then {location} else null end
