Thursday, June 6, 2019

Workflow or Script Not Updating Field Via Mass Update / Fields are Blank

Mass update runs in the context of xedit (inline editing).  This means that only fields being updated are accessible.  There are different ways around this:
1.  Include the field that need to be access in the mass update.
2.  Use a workflow action script instead of just a workflow.  See #3 and #4.
3. Instead of using nlapiSetFieldValue use nlapiSubmitField.  Example below for updating the email on a customer record:
    var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
    nlapiSubmitField('customer', id, 'email', '');
4. If any of the fields being set are part of a sublist or if the value of fields not being updated are normally gotten with nlapiGetFieldValue then first load the record using nlapiLoadRecord.  Example below:
    var memo = nlapiGetFieldValue('memo');
    nlapiSetLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', 1, 5);
    var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
    var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('salesorder',id);
    var memo = rec.getFieldValue('memo');
    rec.setLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', 1, 5);
Note: Calling nlapiLoadRecord and nlapiSubmitRecord will increase the time the mass update takes as it will cause the record to saved twice instead of just once.

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