Friday, February 8, 2019

Cost/Component to be used if we back-date a Standard Cost Rollup using a date prior to the Obsolote Date of the Item Revision associated to the Assembly Item

1.  To describe the scenario, see the Item and Revision setup below:

Item Record Assembly A :

Purchasing/Inventory tab > Inventory Management > Effective BOM Control = Revision Control

Components tab

Item 101 > Quantity 1 > Effective Date 2/1/2013 > Obsolete Date 2/28/2013 > Effective Revision 1

Item 102 > Quantity 1 > Effective Date 3/1/2013 > Obsolete null > Effective Revision 2

2. Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Planned Standard Cost Rollup ( Example: Today's Date is 3/2/2013) > Enter Effective Date 2/28/2013 > Select the Standard Cost Version and Check the box for Assembly A and its components.

3. Pull up the Planned Standard Cost generated for Assembly A > Component is Item 101.  This means that the rollup used Item Revision 1.

Hence, the rollup is based on the Effective Date of the Revision Control at the time of the Rollup's Effective Date, regardless of the Obsolete Date.

The Obsolete Date merely indicates the last day of when the item is used, therefore, when a roll-up is back-dated, it will use the Revision Information of the day selected in the rollup.

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