Thursday, February 7, 2019

Expense Report List View in the Employee Center shows Amount Column in the Parent Subsidiary’s Currency

The Amount column of expense reports list view page is listed in the parent currency when the employee center is edited and given access to the Parent subsidiary. The administrator can implement the following solution. It requires creating a custom field and search by Administrator as follows:


I. Create a custom field to hold the Amount values:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields Transaction Line Fields > New

2. Set the following fields:
-Label = type in name for the field

-Type = Currency

-Store Value = No

-Applies To tab: Expense Report = True

-Validation & Defaulting: {amount}

3. Click on Save.


II. Create a saved search to add the custom field from step 1:

1. Navigate to  Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New

2. Click on Transactions

3. Give title to the search in the Search Title field

4. Set the following fields:
-Public: True

-Available as List View: True

5. Navigate to Criteria tab and set the following:

-Type = Expense Report

-Main Line = True

6. Navigate to Results tab > Add custom field from Step1

7. Remove all the fields that are not required

8. Click on Save


The custom field now with Amount in user's home currency will be available in the employee center on Expense Report list view page.

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