If a user wants to create a report to show Transaction#, Vendor, Item, Amount (Purchase Price) and Amount columns for each Cost Category, then you can start with this Saved Search:
Assume that you have Cost Categories: Shipping, Insurance and Distribution
1. Navigate to Transactions>Management>Saved Searches>New
2. Select Transaction
3. On the Criteria tab add Account Type = Other Current Asset, Type = Item Receipt and Memo does not contain Cost of Sales Adjustments
4. On the Results tab add the following fields:
5. Document Number (Summary Type = Group)
6. Main Line Name (Summary Type = Group, Custom Label = Vendor)
7. Item (Summary Type = Group)
8. Formula(Currency) = DECODE(NVL(SUBSTR({memo}, 0, INSTR({memo}, ':')-1), 'Cost'),'Cost',{amount}) (Summary Type = Sum, Custom Label = Purchase Price, Summary Label = Purchase Price)
9. Formula(Currency) = DECODE(NVL(SUBSTR({memo}, 0, INSTR({memo}, ':')-1), 'Cost'),'Shipping',{amount}) (Summary Type = Sum, Custom Label = Shipping, Summary Label = Shipping)
10. Formula(Currency) = DECODE(NVL(SUBSTR({memo}, 0, INSTR({memo}, ':')-1), 'Cost'),'Insurance',{amount}) (Summary Type = Sum, Custom Label = Insurance, Summary Label = Insurance)
11. Formula(Currency) = DECODE(NVL(SUBSTR({memo}, 0, INSTR({memo}, ':')-1), 'Cost'),'Distribution',{amount}) (Summary Type = Sum, Custom Label = Distribution, Summary Label = Distribution)
12. Hit Preview or Save and Run
NOTE: You need to replace 'Shipping', 'Insurance' and 'Distribution' with your own Cost Category (e.g. 'Freight', etc.)
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